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Infrared Repair Products

Cubex is a supplier for both Marathon and Heat Design Equipment. More information about equipment  can be found at the following links:

Heat Design Equipment 

Marathon Equipment


Mini Heater 1.JPG
Full Heater 1_edited.png

Infrared Heater

Infrared Heaters are key to the process because they heat and soften the asphalt allowing it to be worked in order to eliminate cracks and imperfections. There are a variety of heater sizes based on the size of repair and speed with which you want to repair a certain area.

Heat Design Equipment (HDE) makes top of the line products for heating asphalt. Their heaters are split into 3 general sizes:

  1. Mini Heaters: HDE's Mini Heaters have been used in the field for many of the following applications; Alligator Cracks, Catch Basins, Decorative Asphalt, Weed Killing, Front Removal, Tennis Court Repairs, & Parking Deck Repairs.
    Sizes vary from 24"x24" heating area to 52" x 72" heating area. These heaters are moved by hand and/or on castors.


  2. Full Sized (Towed) Heaters: Larger sized heaters built into trailers that are used for creating larger repair areas in a shorter period of time. These heaters can soften 2.5" of surface course asphalt to workable temperature in 5-10 minutes. Each of these heaters have a heat area that is 6'6" wide but vary in length from 8'6" to 16'6". Up to 16 independent heat zones allow the operator to adjust the size of the repair area.

  3. Skid Steer Attachments - Similar to the Full Sized Heaters in function but designed to be moved using a skid steer type unit. Heat level is controlled remotely from inside the cab. 



Asphalt Hot Box / Recycler

Asphalt Hot Box and Recycling units provide fresh hot mix asphalt (HMA) that is used to fill imperfections / cracks once asphalt has been worked.

  • Marathon Hot Boxes: Are capable of maintaining the temperature of virgin asphalt or reheating of cold material. These boxes are built very heavy duty, fully insulated, and customizable to suit your needs. Marathon makes the hot boxes in 2 Ton & 4 Ton hopper capacities depending on your need. 

  • HDE Asphalt RecyclerThe recycler is inexpensive, quick, low volume asphalt recycler that is designed to melt bricks of asphalt creating HMA. There are 2 sizes of recycler available from Heat Design Equipment that allow for HMA production of 2 ton - 7 ton per 8 hours shift. 

  • Misc. Tools - Sprayers, Rakes & Lutes can all be purchased at Cubex.


Compaction Equipment

Depending on the size of the repair a variety of different compaction tools are available:


  • Plate Tamper

  • Rollers


9304 Horton Rd SW, Calgary, AB T2V 2X4, Canada

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